1. Prerequisite: Writing
2. General Objectives:
In Creative Writing Program, the students will be introduced to the basics of poetic writing, prose writing, playwriting, and scriptwriting in order that they are able to write creative forms of narrative, poetic, dramatic, and cinematic texts.
3. Lesson Plan
- Meeting
- Discussion
- Sub-discussion
- Specific Objectives
- Poetic Writing. Poetic genre, format, and, elements. In order that the students are able to understand the genre, format and the elements of poetic text.
- Short Model Poems. Poetic adaptation. In order that the students are able to write and adapt short model poems
- Poetic Composition. Writing a poem. In order that the students are able to write and compose short model poems
- Prose Writing. Narrative genre, format, and elements. In order that the students are able to understand the genre, format and the elements of prosy text.
- Short Model Stories. Narrative adaptation. In order that the students are able to write and compose short model stories.
- Narrative Composition. Writing a short story.In order that the students are able to write and compose short model stories.
- Mid Test. Creative writing test and assignment. To evaluate the students’ creative writings for the first half semester.
- Playwriting. Dramatic genre, format, and elements. In order that the students are able to understand the genre, format and the elements of plays.
- Short Model Plays. Dramatic adaptation. In order that the students are able to write and adapt short model plays.
- Dramatic Composition. Writing a short play. In order that the students are able to write and compose short model plays.
- Scriptwriting. Script genre, format, and elements. In order that the students are able to understand the genre, format and the elements of scripts.
- Short Model Scripts. Scripts adaptation. In order that the students are able to write and adapt short model scripts.
- Script Composition. Writing a short script. In order that the students are able to write and compose short model scripts
- Final Test. Creative writing test and assignment. To evaluate the students’ creative writing for the second half semester
4. References
Bishop, Leonard. 1988. Dare To Be A Great Writer. Ohio: Writer’s Digest Books.Brooks, Keith. 1995. The Complete Video Course. London: Boxtree, Ltd.Hedgecoe, John. 1990. Hedgecoe on Video. London: Hamlyn.Knickerbocker, K L and others. 1985. Interpreting Literature. 7th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.Novakovich, Josip. 1998. Writing Fiction: Step By Step. Ohio: Story Press.Perrine, Laurence. 1987. Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. New York: HBJ.Skaggs, Calvin, ed. 1977. The American Short Story in Two Media—Print and Film. New York: A Laurel Book.Wolff, Jurgen and Cox, Kerry. 1991. Successful Script
Writing. Ohio: Writer’s Digest Books.